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U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services issues a recall for thousands of green cards.

U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issues a recall for thousands of green cards.

Due to a large printing error USCIS has called for the exchange of improperly dated green cards. The green cards were approved for individuals who submitted Form I-751 to remove conditions on their residency and were spouses of a U.S. citizen. Through the error, the green cards were printed to have an incorrect “Resident Since” date, which could lead to errors when filing paperwork in the future. The amount of misdate cards is estimated to be 8,543 all of which were printed between February and April 2018.

How do I know if my green card is wrong?

USCIS is working hard to fix the situation, after reviewing their records they have begun to send notices to all of the residences listed on the green cards. They will also be mailing a notice to the attorneys of these individuals as well, in cases where individuals applied for a green card with an attorney’s help. The notices are being sent in pre-paid envelops in which they are asking the misprinted green cards to be returned in. Once received, new green cards will be issued and are estimated to be arrive within 15 days. Another option for replace does exist, where the misprinted green cards may be taken to a USCIS field office where the card may be returned in exchange for a correct green card.

How does this green card mistake affect my citizenship?

It is unfortunate for many to have to deal with exchanging their green cards and making sure to get a correct one printed, but fortunately, this mistake has no affect on citizenship status. One the decision was made to grant citizenship minor clerical errors cannot revert them. One area where this could possible affect an individual is if they had planned to travel abroad. If travel plans were made and the individual may experience trouble re-entering the U.S. because they are still awaiting their corrected green card, it is advised they call the USCIS contact center to determine if they need additional proof.

Attached below is the full release from USCIS.

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