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Breaking News: USCIS World Offices Closing

Today U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced its plans to close up to 13 overseas office locations by August 2020. The only overseas office locations which will remain open are:

  1. Beijing, China
  2. Guangzhou, China
  3. Nairobi, Kenya
  4. New Delhi, India
  5. Guatemala City, Guatemala
  6. Mexico City, Mexico
  7. San Salvador, El Salvador

The first scheduled office closures will happen in September 2019 in the field offices in Monterrey, Mexico, and Seoul, South Korea. The work of the closing offices will be taken on by the U.S. based USCIS offices and USCIS officers temporarily working abroad. The Department of State will also assist with in-person services that are normally provided by the USCIS international offices.

USCIS Acting Director Ken Cuccinelli explained his decision by saying that closing these offices will help allocate the necessary resources and personnel to the remaining open offices to assist in the USCIS backlog. Cuccinelli also states that the transition will be smooth with no extra delays to the current processing times.

Read the original announcement here

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